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You should use VONAPP if you are a U.S. military veteran who wants to apply for compensation, pension, or vocational rehabilitation benefits using the Internet. If you are now receiving any of those benefits, don’t use VONAPP to apply for the same benefit or an increase in that benefit. Instead, contact the V A Regional Office which handles your benefit by calling 1-800-827-1000. Also, if you have a pending application for any of these benefits, don’t apply for the same benefit again using VONAPP without checking with the V A Regional Office working on your application. Also, do not use VONAPP to notify V A about dependency or income changes on your current award. Contact your V A office and ask what they need from you for dependency or income changes.
Servicemembers should not submit an application using VONAPP until they call their V A Regional Office at 1-800-827-1000 to ensure that the VA Regional Office and their military post is participating in a pre-discharge program.
Compensation Benefits
VA Disability
Vocational Rehabilitation
You should use VONAPP if you are a U.S. military veteran, a servicemember with at least 2 years of active duty, or a member of the Selected Reserve. If you have previously filed a claim for education benefits, use VONAPP only if you are filing for a different education benefit. For example, if you have used all of your benefits based on your active duty and would now like to apply for benefits based upon your Selected Reserve service.
If you have a pending application, don’t use VONAPP to
resubmit your claim. It will slow down processing. If you would like to know the
status of a pending claim contact the Regional Processing Office by calling
1-888-GI BILL 1 (1-888-442-4551).
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You may apply for V A compensation benefits if:
What are compensation benefits:
V A pays veterans Disability Compensation for disability(ies) that are a result of military service. If V A determines that your disability(ies) are 30% or more disabling, V A may pay additional compensation for your spouse, children, and dependent parents. V A will pay a higher amount of compensation for a spouse when the spouse is a patient in a nursing home or is disabled and requires the regular aid and attendance of another person.
You may apply for V A Disability Pension if:
What are pension benefits?
permanently and totally disabled but not as a result of military service, and served during:
V A pays Disability Pension based on the amount of income that the veteran and family receives and the number of dependents in the family.
You should apply for V A Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits if:
V A Education Benefits
You should apply for V A Education Benefits if:
What are education benefits?
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